Els Homes de Shakespeare

Els Homes de Shakespeare

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A combination of Shakespeare and theater of the absurd, three characters represent the relation between their own comical situations and the one of a man dropped to his fate.


Third Prize for the Best Director at the 13th Edition of the National Contest of Theatre Directors of Torrejon de Ardoz, 2010.


Heir to the tradition of irreverent comedy Dei Furbi approaches with humor and rhythm the fragile relationship between reality and fiction.


A combination of Shakespeare and theater of the absurd, three characters represent the relation between their own comical situations and the one of a man dropped to his fate.

A creation that takes shape through selected fragments of Shakespeare's plays, set in motion, creating a tension that’s absurd and realistic, comical and deeply human.
A peculiar vision, in which the performers are men who exchange gender, according to the character represented, as was the case in Shakespeare's time, when women were forbidden by law to go up on stage.
A funny look into Shakespeare’s universe.


The space is drawn with the first words of the characters that point at the end of a road, in front of a railroad and far from a lost daily life.
They maintain and provoke a fun and spontaneous dialogue; inventing the most absurd actions from fragments of Shakespeare's work.
The mood and the rhythm keep them away from their immediate destination.


Games and actions performed in front of the famous theme of "Theatrum Mundi" are those of comedy, of clowns, a range of acting resources ranging from fencing to singing, accompanied by the music of two cellists that join the action.
Opens the single act a game of crowns (hats) that becomes pure as the three actors exchange them mechanically, playing at being kings that are dethroned or killed.


We find the appearance of the lovers of "A Midsummer Night's Dream", the confronted families  "Montagut and Capulet." the merchant of Venice calling for justice. Macbeth looking at how the forest of Birmang moves. We also find the handkerchief that Othello gave to Desdemona. The singing of Titus’ Menu. Caliban making his voice being heard and Hamlet announcing the end of Elsinore as a fencing duel evidences that "the rest is silence."


Artistic credits

Dramaturgy, Scenic space  and Direction Gemma Beltran
Actors Òscar Bosch, Robert González, Marc Vilavella / Toni Vinyals (en alternança)
Cellistes Nerea de Miguel, Sara Guri, Romain Boyer, Maria Bou (en alternança)
Lighting design David Bofarull
Costum design  Ramon Ivars
Costumes Elisa Echegaray
Costumes assistants Priscila Roca i Anna Ribera
Director’s Assistant  Roger Julià
Fencing assistant Pere Sais
Photos: Juan Carlos García
Technician J.L. Gascón
Translations Salvador Oliva
Music ans songs
Shakespeare Songs
How should I your true love know
Si Dolce è'l Tormento de Monteverdi
Contrapunto Bestiale de A. Banchieri
Menuetto i Mosquito Dance de Béla Bartok
Duo G-Dur de F. Couperin
Sonata in G-Dur, 2 de Domenico Gabrielli
Henri de Luciano Berio
Production Baubo SCCL


With the collaboration of  Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya and ICIC Institut Català de les Indústries Cultural

Thank’s to Claudio Zulian, Ignasi Potrony / Lanonima Imperial, Jorge Bernardez, Josep Mª Marti, Montse Guallar, Alberto Fregenal, Chistian Atanasiu, Joan Sans, Teatral.net, l’Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, Elia Corral, Anna Sahun, Ester Cort, Eva Cutura, Sandra Monclus,Marc Vilavella, Santi Monreal, Dafnis Baduf, Laura Lopez, Anna Coll