On tour



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Gemma Beltran / Dei Furbi- Oklahoma was released on the 19th of July at the Teatre Lliure - Espai Lliure being part of the schedule of the Grec Festival de Barcelona 2017 and SEASON IN BARCELONA, Teatre Akadèmia From the 20th of september to the 15th of october.


Critics said (fragments):

‘Talent, enginy, virtuosisme dramatúrgic i actoral i autenticitat.' 'La companyia Dei Furbi ens regala, tot celebrant el seu quinzè aniversari, un espectacle insòlit i que toca la genialitat.                                                                                                  ’Ferran Baile, RECOMANA 23/07/2017  


‘Un espectáculo tan inusual como inspirado que divierte a través de la reflexión escénica'. 'Un trabajo delicado y hábil y totalmente rotundo el éxito de inclusión multidisciplinar.’Fernando Solla, EN PLATEA 21/07/2017

"Anna Alborch, Robert González i Toni Vinyals, fan un treball acuradíssim de cada moviment i so que fan tan corporalment com auditivament, sense deixar perdre cap detall."Espectá





In 1927, three years after the writer's death, Amerika, an unfinished book by Kafka also known as The Man who Disappeared was published posthumously. In the last chapter, the protagonist sees an advertisement published by the Nature Theatre of Oklahoma, which proposes to hire anyone who wants to play him or herself on stage. It is the story of a theatre that is intended to be an allegory of the whole world, a world in which art might be the last hope. Now, Gemma Beltran and Dei Furbi reinterpret that story in a free version, fused with other fictional works by the author, such as The Trial, The Castle and The Metamorphosis, and with references to Lewis Carrol's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Six Characters in Search of an Author by Luigi Pirandello.


The play features three out-of-work actors, used to being excluded from the labour market, who hope to find work at the Nature Theatre of Oklahoma, and feel happy. However, will they really be able to act if everyone plays himself, and therefore, will it all be theatre? Pieces of music arranged to be performed a capella, a simple set made up of shadows, a large white background and ribbons that delimit the space envelop the actors, the stars of a theatre in which we are all observed and we are all exposed.


This is the new show by Gemma Beltran and Dei Furbi, a company with a long history that became famopus with its highly acclaimed and multi award-winning production of The Magic Flute but which has also produced pieces such as Trilogia MozArt, Asufre, Homes de Shakespeare, L'illa dels esclaus, Tocata i Fuga, Divertimento or Scherzo




Director: Gemma Beltran
Written by: Gemma Beltran, based on texts by F. Kafka, Lewis Carroll, Pirandello and Calderón de la Barca
Performed by: Toni Viñals, Robert González and Anna Alborch
Musical arrangements: Paco Viciana
Stage set: Ramon Ivars i Gemma Beltran
Movement during the laborastory: Moreno Bernandi
Wardrobe: Ramon Ivars i Gemma Beltran
Lighting design: David Bofarull
Photography: Sergi Garriga Riu
Assistant director: Boris Daussà
Stagehand: Estanis Aboal
Executive production: Cristina Ferrer/ Marta Riera

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La Flauta Màgica

La Flauta Màgica

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La Flauta Màgica

Dei Furbi Company, under the direction of Gemma Beltran, keeps on researching into the poetical, lyrical and visual performing language (always spiced up with a good dosis of humor). A combination of theatre and music based on the synthesis of the three operas that Mozart and Da Ponte created together.


A very free interpretation of the best-known trilogy in operatic history: The Marriage of FigaroDon Giovanni and Cosi fan tutte.


Dei Furbi Company, under the direction of Gemma Beltran, keeps on researching into the poetical, lyrical and visual performing language (always spiced up with a good dosis of humor). A combination of theatre and music based on the synthesis of the three operas that Mozart and Da Ponte created together.


This well-known trilogy was produced before the French Revolution with the same purpose: to make a criticism of the particular dehumanization caused by the use and abuse of the privileges of the aristocracy. In all these works, the female characters are regarded as an object in the broad sense : sexual, economic and legal.


"The constant practice of objectification of human beings transform those who inflict it in objects themselves….”

Around the story of this daring proposal rotate characters that move between the extremes of tragedy and comedy. From a playful look and under a comic appearance, they cross the trilogy representing the random fragility of human condition.


Trilogia MozArt -Così fan Dei Furbi, is the eighth show of the company that remains faithful to the simplicity of carnival, the charm and beauty of their simple human and technical resources and, above all, the perspective offered by a theatrical practice related to the tradition of the actor as central subject and object of the dramatic action.



An art gallery is the space in which the young characters of the opera Cosi fan tutte happily walk while admiring a piece of interactive art that resembles a giant skirt. These young lovers will split off when they fall into the trap that Don Alfonso, the gallery owner, prepares for them, demonstrating the fragility of their relationships.

The story continues through the interactive artwork that becomes inhabited by the opera Don Giovanni. As we all know, Don Giovanni runs away with his servant after raping Doña Anna and killing his father. Shortly after Doña Elvira, Zerlina and Masetto appear in a scenic game of “a play inside a play”: when we should have the celebration of the engagement of the peasants in the opera ‘Don Giovanni’, these peasants are presented as the show The Marriage of Figaro. The characters in the opera Don Giovanni represent their symmetrical characters in The Marriage of Figaro. Once the show is finished the peasants will go back to the world or Don Giovanni.

As the song sings ‘what comes around goes around’ and Don Giovanni will end up gobbled down by hell, in a hymn to life and freedom. 

Cosi fan tutte, prémiered on January 26th 1790
Mozart turned around the prejudices of the script to develop, under the trivial appearance of a comical look, a bitter allegory about the universal relativity of feelings.

The marriage of  Fígaro, opera premièred in 1786.
The marriage of Fígaro was the result of turning into an opera the comedy by Beaumarchais, a play with the reputation of being revolutionary and subversive. 

Don Giovanni, premièred in 1787 under request of the higher classes in Prague, with the clear purpose of dong a harsh criticism to the privileges of aristocracy.

Artistic Credits


Direction Gemma Beltran
Musical arrangements Paco Viciana
Singing Coaching David Costa and Armando Grebol
Lighting design David Bofarull
Scenic space and costum design Ramon Ivars and Gemma Beltran
Performers (5): Robert González, Marc Pujol, Queralt Albinyana, Anna Herebia and David Marcé
Covers: Toni Vinyals and Albert Mora.
Director’s Assistant Boris Daussà
Image Wave Cap
Photography Caroline Morel Fontaine
Costumes Elisa Echegaray and Anna Chwaliszewska
Coordination of the project and executive production Marta Riera and Maria Rovelló
Technician David Bofarull and Javier Muñoz
Production Baubo SCCL

With the collaboration of TEMPORADA ALTA, ATRIUM Viladecans, ICEC, NEUKÖLLNER OPER BERLIN.

Thank’s to  Associació d’Actors i Directors Professionals de Catalunya, Institut del Teatre de Barcelona,, Josep Maria Martí, Claudio Zulian, Alberto Fregenal, Mabel, Montse Guallar, Marta Figueras, Roger Julià, Dietrich Grosse, Oscar Merino, and Michel Fessler.

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